Welding & Metal Fabrication

Welding and Fabrication skilling is aimed at producing Welders

Welders who are relevant to the industry and world of work. Training offered in Welding Department is trainee-centered and practical-based. It emphasizes acquisition of skills by the trainees, through practical learning, projects and Innovation as well as industrial training after completion of each year.
The Welding and Fabrication course produces professionals who are capable of:
• Welding components.
• Fabricating components.
• Carry out foundry works.
• Maintain workshop tools and equipment.
• Supervise and inspect works.
• Ensure safety of workers and plant.
• Initiate and manage small business enterprises.

The Skilling Course emphasizes the following aspects of learning:

• Competence-Based Training Approach.
• Real Life Practical Assignments with supporting modules.
• Integrated Education (knowledge, skills, and positive attitude)
• Innovation and Initiative (learning to solve problems that one has never encountered).
Upward Mobility and Concentric Curriculum.
• Entrepreneurship and Creativity orientation.
• Environment, Health and Safety considerations.
• Sports, Clubs and Social interactions
• Communication skills and HIV and AIDS education
Welding has contributed a lot to the Ugandan community. The trainees and the staff have found friends and a sense of purpose. We’ve established connections, advanced our careers and incredible experience.

Major projects are being handled by these committed, capable, self-motivated and hardworking trainees. We believe the courses offered at the institute is a better career and path to meaningful life today because of the insignificant records as regards “street life”.

The increases in market competition, unemployment and technology advancement have posed a big economic challenge to both the citizens and non-citizens in that, without hand on skills, one would survive on gambling. But, through vocational education, Shine with Skills is producing competent craftsmen to alleviate the unemployment rate and also avail appropriate skills to all interested persons.

Parents, guardians and students, are encouraged to choose vocational education, leading to job creators and avoid “journey of prolonged job seeking”.

Finally, the courses offered in the department are among the best career options.