HandsOn Skilling

Shine With Skills Vocational Youth Skills Training Project is one of the organizations established to address psychosocial and economic problems among young people in Jinja and surrounding districts.  It is currently implementing its activities in Jinja.

Through trainings, young people are taught different skills in Carpentry, reading and writing music, Paper bag making, Environment management, Sewing and Tailoring, Knitting, Brick-laying concrete and Practice, Leather Tanning, Hand Craft training ,promoting technologies through Computer training, Plumbing, Mechanics and Party Decoration among others. After their training, they are expected to be able to produce good quality products leading to increase in Gross Domestic product and profitability. Secondly they will be able to effectively work in their village settings able to creating jobs among themselves.

Shine with Skill works together with local communities and other agencies that have the same interest  to implement the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) within the communities which include the Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, achievement of Universal primary education( Quality education), promoting Gender equality and empowerment, Reduction of child mortality, combating HIV / AIDS, Malaria and other diseases, ensuring Environmental sustainability and promotion of global partnerships for development.

Objectives of the this Project

1. To provide vocational training to unemployed youths and recent school-dropouts to
enhance employability and provide a skilled foundation to build a career – therefore
reducing levels of unemployment in those aged 21-30.

2. To empower young people to believe in their dreams and to enable the acquisition
of income (through formal and informal job prospects) so that they can support their
household and families.
3. Foster a change in community attitudes whereby everybody is given the opportunity
to succeed.

Shine with Skills Vocational Training Courses

The following courses have been proposed and would be targeted at recent school drop-outs
and youths – except for Computer Literacy which could also be attended by professionals
(public servants);
• Tailoring
• Hair Dressing and Beauty
• Catering
• Computer Literacy
• Carpentry and Joinery
• Brick laying and Construction
• Plumbing
• Electrical Wiring and Fitting

Why Vocational Skills Project?

  • There are high rates of unemployment within Uganda among people aged 24-35. Average Learning Achievement of the students is not satisfied.There is rampant school dropout among school going children and many students fail to obtain the necessary results to continue with further study – therefore these students should not be left to ‘fail’.
  • Careers support and advice is severely lacking in schools, students are often not aware of vocational learning opportunities and believe that if they have failed to succeed in the education system they have fewer options for employment.
  • School drop-outs and youths lose hope and end up loitering, becoming irresponsible in the community and often find themselves engaging themselves in misconduct of all kinds like alcohol & drug addictions, gambling, prostitution, robbery among others – therefore enabling them to acquire a skill to support themselves we hope will prevent this.

Beneficiaries of the Project

The project is aiming at addressing youth sustainable skills and empowerment which are aimed at enabling them to access basic reliable skills through training workshops, counseling and promote positive behaviors. Currently, young people country-wide are so vulnerable to many dangers in the country due to a double influence as regards to political and poverty.

Therefore as a result from the above we have intensified our current efforts and services to young people affected with psychosocial and Economic factors. There is a need to involve youths in service delivery at all levels of project management in local areas. They will be equipped with knowledge about Positive change and effective planning in Jinja District.

The project also benefits men, women/widows based in project areas and their neighbors. Currently half of the new strategies are mismanaged by the rural settings in one way or the other. The rural community some times are money minded especially men of which has turned to be the major challenge.

The consequences of not having vocational training skills with in communities have not been thoroughly studied. Generally this lose future hope and increases vulnerability in various communities in project areas. Therefore this will aim at scaling up vocational training awareness among community people.

The International Conference on Population and Development on the Reproductive health rights for women, girls and boys, gender rights and development. There is more work that needs to be done to redress the need for access and utilization of services in communities in Uganda. The United Nations Population Fund Poster Contest presents an opportunity to hear the voices of young people in Uganda and their participation.
