The project seeks to address key issues and gaps in the development of the handicrafts sector in Uganda, mainly assessing needs and building the capacity of crafts workers in all regions of Uganda, focusing on creative designs, diversity in artistic products and marketing skills for economic empowerment and sustainable development.
Uganda has a rich culture heritage that offers potential for abundant growth of creative enterprises in all the regions of the country. Uganda has 65 indigenous communities with diverse cultures offering diversity for creativity. In terms of potential in Uganda’s Economy, the cultural sector has a strong linkage with the overall economy both at macro and micro levels influencing development, poverty reduction, employment and revenue generation.
This project is aimed at, in particular, strengthening the handicrafts component of the creative economy in Uganda focusing on 3 regions of the country. Handicraft making in Uganda is essentially a cultural, traditional and predominantly a cottage industry undertaken mainly by rural people, both men and women and the youth. More women participate in most craft making activities than men to supplement house hold incomes.
Our handcraft products range from basketry, mats, ceramics, beads, pottery, hand textiles, and woven products, toys, jewelry, bags, ornaments, leather products, batiks and wood crafts. The crafts workers use locally available raw materials and produce works based on local culture, history and traditions.